[08] WHAT MACHINE DO I LOG INTO FOR SHELL ACCESS? HOW MANY CONCURRENT LOGINS? If you are an SDF-EU member there is currently only one host which is 'odin.sdfeu.org' or just 'sdfeu.org'. This is due to the very small userbase and usage. In the future more servers will be added to 'sdfeu.org' as needed. If you are an SDF member, please keep reading. You may use the following aliases to access SDF: telnet/ssh: tty.sdf.org ftp/sftp/scp: ftp.sdf.org Historically you would login to 'sdf.lonestar.org' .. however, SDF has grown so much, we've got a number of machines available all sharing the same disks. So, no matter what machine you login to, the same files, mail and user programs show up. If you are at a library or school which only allows the use of a web browser, you might be able to use a java applet ssh client at http://sdf.org/ssh Here is a quick list of machines available for public access: -------------------------------------------------------------------- FQDN (hostname) Hardware Configuration Membership Access -------------------------------------------------------------------- ol.sdf.org AMD64 4GB RAM 4TB DISK NONE (fileserver) mx.sdf.org AMD64 4GB RAM NFS client NONE (mail server) sdf.lonestar.org AMD64 4GB RAM NFS client general access otaku.sdf.org AMD64 4GB RAM NFS client general access ukato.sdf.org AMD64 4GB RAM NFS client JAVA server miku.sdf.org AMD64 4GB RAM NFS client motd.org, toobnix.org faeroes.sdf.org AMD64 4GB RAM NFS client general access norge.sdf.org AMD64 4GB RAM NFS client VHOST member access bjork.sdf.org ALPHA 2GB RAM NFS client NONE (development) sverige.sdf.org AMD64 4GB RAM NFS client MetaARPA only iceland.sdf.org AMD64 4GB RAM NFS client MetaARPA only -------------------------------------------------------------------- You may not login to ol.sdf.org. It is a fileserver. ('maint' is ok) You may not login to mx.sdf.org. It is a fileserver. You may not login to bjork.sdf.org. It is for development. HOW MANY CONCURRENT LOGINS CAN I HAVE? You can login as many times as you need within reason. Meaning, if you need to login 10 times to get your code working, go for it! ARE THERE ANY SSH SERVERS RUNNING ON NON-STANDARD PORTS? MetaARPA members may connect via SSH on ports 22, 23, 53, 110, 143, and 993 to meta.sdf.org. These instances of the SSH server support TCP Tunneling and X11 Forwarding. Both iceland and sverige run https on port 443, but sdf, otaku, ukato, faeroes and miku support tunnelling on ports 53, 110, 143 and 443. SDF-EU (sdf-eu.org) run instances of the SSH server on ports 465, 587, 995, 996 1025, 8080 and 7070 which support TCP Tunneling and X11 Forwarding. Port 22 is of course available, but does not support Meta- ARPA features. // Last revision: 4f9db70bc5151d02a27b3a8a82f1d019 // [[basics|back]]