[01] CAN MY UNIX CLASS/STUDENTS USE SDF.LONESTAR.ORG? Yes, and this service is available freely to you and your students. While membership is encouraged, it is not at all required of you. A number of UNIX classes have been taught using the SDF. From the basics of getting acquainted with the various shells, commands and environment to learning the VI editor, EMACS, sed and awk, SDF is an extremely flexible learning environment for students and hackers. perl and python are also available for script programming as well, your students will have 20mb of storage space to design their own webpages and even can create their own subdomain based on their login. Students in an active class who wish to validate their accounts may do so by having their instructor send a list of usernames created and used by students as well as a copy of the class syllabus. Access limitations *may* inhibit your class. Please plan ahead and contact 'smj@sdf.lonestar.org' with any goals or specific needs. It GREATLY helps us if you would run the 'student-survey' command once you have a login account to help let us know how we are doing. Teachers and students are both welcome to participate in this survey. [[teach|back]]