====== Emacs Cheatsheet ====== ===== Basic Movement and Editing Commands ===== | C-x C-f | Find file and load into buffer (Emacs prompts for filename) | | C-x C-s | Save the current buffer | | C-x C-w | Save the current buffer under a different name (Emacs prompts for the new name) | | C-x C-c | Quit Emacs, prompting if you have not saved any buffers | | Arrow keys or C-f, C-b, C-n, C-p | Right (forward), left (back), down (next), up (previous), respectively | | C-k | Delete from cursor to end of line | | C-a | Go to start of line | | C-e | Go to end of line | | C-v | Go down a page | | M-v | Go up a page | | M-f | Go to next word | | M-b | Go back one word | | M-a | Go to previous sentence | | M-b | Go to next sentence | | C-x u | Undo | | C-g | Abort the current command | | C-l | Redraw and center screen at cursor | | M-< | Go to start of buffer | | M-> | Go to end of buffer | | C-d | Delete next character | | M-d | Delete next word | | M-| | Execute shell command on region | | Backspace | Delete previous character | ===== Kill & Yank (Cut/Copy and Paste) ===== | C-space | Set the mark | | C-w | Cut (kill) | | M-w | Copy (kill) | | C-y | Paste (yank) | | M-y | Paste (yank) next saved selection | | C-x h | Set point to start of buffer and mark to end of buffer (select the entire buffer) | | C-x C-x | Swap point and mark | ===== Search & Replace ===== | C-s | Incremental search forward | | C-r | Incremental search backward | | C-M-s | Regexp search forward | | C-M-r | Regexp search backward | | M-% | Search and replace | | M-x query-replace-regexp | Search and replace with regexps | | C-g | Abort a search | | C-w | During a search, highlight the word around the cursor | | Up, down arrow keys or M-p, M-n | Access search string history (in minibuffer)| ===== Case Change ===== | M-u | uppercase word | | M-l | lowercase word | | M-c | capitalize word | | C-x C-u | uppercase region | | C-x C-l | lowercase region | ===== Emacs Modes ===== | M-x modename | Toggle the given major or minor mode | | C-h m | Display help on the current major mode, including any special key bindings in effect | | M-q | Used in text-mode to reformat a paragraph of text manually | | M-x global-font-lock-mode | Toggle syntax highlighting | ===== Character Coding Systems ===== | C-x RET k | set coding system for keyboard input | | C-x RET t | set coding system for terminal display | | C-x RET f | set coding system for saving file | | M-x list-coding-systems | show all coding systems | ===== Buffers ===== | C-x b | Switch to another buffer | | C-x C-b | Display buffer list | | C-x k | Kill current buffer (Emacs prompts for confirmation) | | M-x iswitchb-mode | Enable iswitch mode, for smart buffer name completion with C-x b | ===== Windows ===== | C-x 0 | Close this window | | C-x 1 | Close all other visible windows | | C-x 2 | Split horizontally | | C-x 3 | Split vertically | | C-x o | Switch to other window | | C-M-v | Scroll other window | ===== Dired Mode ===== | M-x dired | Load dired mode (Emacs prompts for directory name) | | C-x C-f | Dired mode loaded when a directory is specified as load file | | Left, right arrow keys or p, n | Previous and next file, respectively | | Enter | Visit this file in this window | | o | Visit this file in a new window | | g | Refresh directory view | | m | Mark file | | u | Un-mark file | | d | Mark a file for later deletion | | x | Delete all files marked for deletion (Emacs prompts for confirmation) | | D | Delete this file right now (Emacs prompts for confirmation) | | C | Copy this file, or copy currently marked files (Emacs prompts for destination) | | R | Rename/move this file, or rename/move currently marked files (Emacs prompts for destination) | | M | Chmod this file, or chmod currently marked files (Emacs prompts for new permissions) | | O | Chown this file, or chown currently marked files (Emacs prompts for new owner) | | G | Chgrp this file, or chgrp currently marked files (Emacs prompts for new group) | | + | Create directory (Emacs prompts for directory name) | | ! | Execute shell command on this file, or currently marked files (Emacs prompts for command) | ===== Shell Modes ===== | M-x shell | Shell mode, use M-p and M-n for command history | | M-x eshell | Cross-platform Emacs Lisp shell emulator, use arrow keys for command history | | M-x ansi-term | Full terminal emulator, suitable for full-screen applications. | ===== Getting Help ===== | C-h t | Emacs tutorial | | C-h a | Apropos (Emacs prompts for keyword or regexp) | | C-h i | Load info browser | | C-h m | Display help on current mode | | C-h f | Display help on function (Emacs prompts for function) | | C-h k | Display help on key (Emacs prompts for key) | | M-x man | Display a man page in a new buffer (Emacs prompts for man page) | ===== w3m mode ===== | M-x w3m | Start browsing web with emacs-w3m.| | q | Close all emacs-w3m windows, without deleting buffers.| | Q | Exit browsing web. All emacs-w3m buffers will be deleted.| | RET | Display the page pointed to by the link under point.| | C-c C-c | Submit the form at point.| | R | Reload the current page.| | r | Redisplay the current page.| | TAB | Move the point to the next anchor.| | M-TAB | Move the point to the previous anchor.| | B | Move back to the previous page in the history.| | N | Move forward to the next page in the history.| | U | Visit the web page.| | H | Go to the Home page.| | M-d | Download the URL.| | d | Download the URL under point.| | \ | Display the html source of the current page.| | SPC | Scroll up the current window, or go to the next page.| | b | Scroll down the current window, or go to the previous page.| | > | Scroll to the left.| | < | Scroll to the right.| | . | Shift to the left.| | , | Shift to the right.| | M-l | Recenter horizontally.| | j | Next line.| | k | Previous line.| | l | Forward char.| | h | Backward char.| | s | Display the history of pages you have visited in the session.| | S | Prompt for a search query and submit it to google.| | v | Display the bookmarks list.| | a | Add a url of the current page to a new bookmark.| | M-a | Add the url under point to a new bookmark. | ===== Sample .emacs ===== ;; Sample ~/.emacs file ;; ;; Un-comment what you want to enable and re-start Emacs ;; ;;Load iswitch mode ;;(require 'iswitchb) ;;Make text mode the default for new buffers ;;(setq default-major-mode 'text-mode) ;;Turn on refill-mode whenever text mode is entered ;;(add-hook 'text-mode-hook ;; '(lambda () (refill-mode 1))) ;;Enable syntax highlighting when it's allowed ;;(when (fboundp 'global-font-lock-mode) ;; (global-font-lock-mode t)) ;;Fix the backspace key ;;(normal-erase-is-backspace-mode 1) ;;Use cperl-mode for editing Perl code, it is better than perl-mode ;;(defalias 'perl-mode 'cperl-mode) ;;Don't blink my cursor, please ;;(blink-cursor-mode nil) ;;Display the current time in the modeline ;;(display-time-mode t) ;;Start the emacs server ;; ;;When this is running, programs calling emacsclient open a buffer ;;in the already running emacs. Useful in mutt or pine for composing ;;mail in Emacs. Type C-x # to exit client buffer and send the text ;;back to the application that called it. ;;(server-start) $Id: emacs-cheatsheet.html,v 1.3 2011/12/04 02:06:19 slugmax Exp $