This is an old revision of the document!

#ident	"@(#)/etc/ 1.1 3.0 11/18/85 18386 "
#	This is the default standard profile provided to a user.
#	They are expected to edit it to meet their own needs.
# Hello there and welcome to your .profile!  The .profile is a
# way for you to initialize and customize your UNIX environment.
# I'd like to help you with a few notes about each part. 
# This sets the environment variable "MAIL" for the location of your
# email file.  Typically email is spooled in /usr/mail with the user's
# login (enviroment variable LOGNAME) for the file's name.
# Which editor?  Well, here is the standard and then the VIsual editor
# based off of ex (EXtended ed).  But since you might not know these,
# we will give you "pico".
# Neat hacks for the David Korn's shell.
# standard prompt is the dollar sign.  The shell comment character
# if you can't tell is the pound (#) sign.  Uncomment out the follow
# and delete the line after it (or comment it out) if you would like
# the standard UNIX Korn shell prompt.
# Normal UNIX prompt
PS1="SDF$ " 
# This one gives you the return code for the last command executed
# and the present working directory
#PS1=['$?:${PWD#${PWD%/*/*/*}/}> '
# here is an example of a KSH function.  This one puts the current
# directory and hostname in your prompt
#host=`uname -n`
#chdir ()
#	\cd ${*:-$HOME} && PS1="$host:$(pwd)> "
#alias cd=chdir
alias rss=snownews
alias l="ls -F"
#alias m=pine
alias m=mutt
alias chow=math
#alias p=pico
#alias p=nano
alias p=vi
alias exit=logout
alias scr=screen
alias strongbad_email.exe=m
alias git="sftp"
#sigromizer ~/sigs
fortune $HOME/sigs/signatures > $HOME/.signature
mesg y
#don't keep .core files
ulimit -c 0
# This tells the system what terminal you are using or emulating.  We do
# support a number of terminals and can infact support more.  For more 
# ideas, you can look in /usr/lib/terminfo.  Default TTY is typically a
# DEC vt100.
# stty (Set TTY) sets up your TTY.  Note, if you have problems with
# your backspace key, try changing the "erase '^h'" to "erase '^?'".
# If that still does not help, type stty erase at the shell prompt
# and then hit your backspace key.
stty erase '^?' echoe
# The following can be used for setting up the number of lines and 
# columns you are using.  Most typical PC-COMM programs use 24 lines
# by 79 or 80 columns.  These settings (commented out) are typically
# used for TTYs .. experiment in sizing your own.
# stty rows 25 cols 80
#Set the time zone.
# Just for the program 'par'
PARINIT='rTbgqR B=.,?_A_a Q=_s>|'
# Now lets go ahead and make those enviroment variables active!  export 'em!
#echo "Welcome to the SDF Public Access UNIX system. (est. 1987)\n"
#echo "For quick help, type 'help'"
#echo "For detailed questions and answers, type 'faq'"
#echo "For user discussion boards, type 'bboard'"
#echo "For interactive discussions, type 'com'"
#echo "To setup your homepage, type 'mkhomepg'"
#echo "to create your URL http://$, type 'addlink'\n"
#echo "Explore and Enjoy!\n"
set -o vi; bind '^I'=complete-list #tab completion and history with up arrow!
#set -o emacs; bind '^I'=complete-list #tab completion and history with up arrow!
#fortune -as
#cowsay `newmail -d /mail/jbaber`
#newmail -d /mail/jbaber
#frm -s new jbaber