# jgw's .nailrc file - created Mon Mar 17 15:21:59 EDT 2008
#  You should to add the following to ~/.mailrc
# set NAIL_EXTRA_RC=~/.nailrc
# Note:
# Set variables _persist_ until the session ends
# unless unset or reset.  Type 'set' to display
# current settings.
# Source extra settings (aliases, macros, etc.):
#source ~/extra_stuff
# Use alternate MTA (bypasses local MTA):
#set sendmail="/path/to/msmtp -a my_account"
# Use alternate SMTP server (bypasses default SMTP):
#set smtp-auth="login"
#set smtp-auth-user="myacct"
#set smtp-auth-password="secret"
#set smtp=smtps://lavabit.com:465
# Set SSL Cert check method ("ignore" is quite; "ask" is default):
#set ssl-verify="ask"
set ssl-verify="ignore"
#set ssl-no-default-ca
#set ssl-v2-allow
# Set directory where "folders" should look for mail folders
# (generally not needed if set in ~/.mailrc)
#set folder=mail
# Set MBOX (defaults to ~/mbox):
#set MBOX="~/mail/Saved"
# Have nail retain copies of outgoing msgs: 
set record="~/mail/Sent"
# Have 'record' (above) interpreted relative to 'folder':
#set outfolder
# Set dead.letter location (default is ~/dead.letter)
#set DEAD="~/mail/dead.letter"
# Retain the specified headers:
retain User-Agent bcc cc date from subject to
# Only retain the specified headers when saving messages:
saveretain bcc cc date from subject to
# Set junk mail DB directory:
#set junkdb="~/mail/junk/.junkdb"
# Start regardless of whether msgs are in /var/mail/<user>:
set emptystart
# Set alternate SHELL to use for 'sh','~!' and '!' commands:
#set SHELL="/bin/sh"
# Set default From: and Reply To: header fields:
set from="My Name<me@freeshell.org>"
set replyto="metoo@tenex.org (Me Too)"
# Set AUTOSORT criteria:
#set autosort=thread
# Set signature file:
#set signature="~/.signature-nail"
# Have original msg text quoted in Replies:
set quote
# Specify what should be prompted for before sending msgs:
set askcc
set askbcc
set askattach
# Set default cmd for the '|' (pipe) command:
#set cmd="clear ; /usr/pkg/bin/urlview"
# Tell nail to start regardless of whether msgs are in /var/mail/<user>:
set emptystart
# Turn off autoprint so that 'd' _doesn't_ print the next message:
#unset autoprint
# Have html-based msgs piped thru lynx:
set pipe-text/html="lynx -dump -nolist -stdin"
# Have multi-part msgs (ie plain text + html) piped thru 'snip':
#set pipe-multipart/alternative="~/bin/snip"
shortcut saved +Saved
shortcut sent  +Sent
shortcut draft +Draft
# (note: cc/bcc mailings need to have at least one To: entry)
alias project-x	art@pacinfo.com \
		bob@freeshell.org \
		cheryl@hotmail.com \
		doug@comcast.net \
		earl@efn.org \
		fran@juno.com \
alias bounce	spam@uce.gov consumer.hotline@doj.state.or.us
# *** ALIASES ***
alias gopher		gopher@complete.org
alias nail-devel	nail-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
alias netbsd-help	netbsd-help@netbsd.org
alias netbsd-users	netbsd-users@netbsd.org
alias port-sparc	port-sparc@netbsd.org
alias ups		totaltrack@ups.com
# run by typing 'call <macro>' or using folder-hooks
# home - return to /var/mail/$USER and reset applicable variables.
#        Useful for getting back to local mail folders from IMAP accts.
define home {
        fi /var/mail/$USER
        set folder="~/mail"
        set record="~/mail/Sent"
        shortcut saved +Saved
        shortcut sent  +Sent
        shortcut draft +Draft
	set from="My Name<me@freeshell.org>"
	set replyto="metoo@tenex.org (Me Too)"
# ms - mark msgs with ":SPAM" Subject line as junk
define ms {
	j /SPAM
	f :j
# eg - Exclude Good messages:
# Displays "new" or "unseen" msgs that _aren't_ from lists
# I subscribe to ( as determined by  subject "keyword" or
# from "[user@]domain.nam" ):
define eg {
	f (or new unseen not subject "gopher" not from "netbsd.org" not from "good@heart.com")
# uas - Unset Alternate SMTP variables
define uas {
	unset smtp-auth
	unset smtp-auth-user
	unset smtp-auth-password
	unset smtp
# *** POP3 ACCT SHORTCUTS SECTION ** use Mailx -f <acct> ***
shortcut mypopacct	pop3://me@mail.non-imap-server.com
# *** Remote IMAP ACCounts Section (no POP3) ***
# Note: ALL outgoing messages are processed LOCALLY unless an
# alternate MTA/SMTP server is set within an 'account'.  Also,
# variables set in IMAP accounts _persist_ until session ends
# unless unset/reset.  Type 'set' to see current settings, 'ac'
# for defined accounts.  IMAP accounts are not cached locally
# unless "imap-cache" is set.
# Set local caching of remote IMAP accounts:
#set imap-cache="~/mail/.imap-cache"
# Typical SDF user IMAP acct setup w/ SSL encryption:
# (probably don't need this _on_ SDF...)
account sdf {
	set folder=imaps://sdf_user@mail.freeshell.org/mail/
	set record=+Sent
	shortcut sent +Sent
	shortcut saved +Saved 
	set from="SDF user<sdf_user@tx0.org>"
	set replyto="SDF user<sdf_user@tx0.org>"
	set password-sdf_user@mail.freeshell.org="secret"
# A fastmail account using 'imapmail.org' domain & SSL:
account fastmail {
	set folder=imaps://someuser\@imapmail.org@fastmail.fm/INBOX.
	set record=+Sent
	shortcut sent +Sent 
	shortcut saved +Save
	set from="someuser@imapmail.org (someuser)"
	set replyto="someuser@imapmail.org (someuser)"
	set password-someuser\@imapmail.org@fastmail.fm="secret"
	set autosort=thread
	## folder-hook runs 'ms' macro (marks SPAM msgs as 'junk')
	set folder-hook-imaps://someuser\@imapmail.org@fastmail.fm/INBOX=ms
	## use fastmail SMTP server (you'll be asked for user:pw)
	#set smtp=smtps://mail.messagingengine.com:465
# Lavabit account w/ SSL & alternate SMTP set:
account lavabit {
	set folder=imap://me@lavabit.com/
	set record=+Sent
	shortcut sent +Sent
	shortcut saved +Saved
	shortcut draft +Draft
	shortcut trash +Trash
	set from="me@lavabit.com (Me)"
	set replyto="me@lavabit.com (Me)"
	set password-me@lavabit.com="secret"
	## v-- unset after exiting acct (call 'uas' macro) --v
	set smtp-auth="login"
	set smtp-auth-user="me"
	set smtp-auth-password="secret"
	set smtp=smtps://lavabit.com:465