: $h/.osh.login - "  Modify to taste.  "
: "  The author of this file, J.A. Neitzel <jan (at) v6shell (dot) org>,  "
: "  hereby grants it to the public domain.                               "
: "  See also:  http://v6shell.org/rc_files/  "
: echo "debug: Executing `"$h/.osh.login"' now..."
setenv	MANPATH	$h/man:/sys/share/man:/sys/pkg/man
setenv	PATH	$h/v6bin:/usr/pkg/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/pkg/games:$h/bin
umask	0077
if X$h = X -o ! -d $h'' goto continue
if ! { mkdir $h/.osh.setenv.$$ } goto continue
	: " Do `setenv HOST value' and `setenv NNTPSERVER value'. "
	uname -n | sed 's,\([^.]*\).*,setenv HOST \1,' >$h/.osh.setenv.$$/HOST
	source $h/.osh.setenv.$$/HOST
	echo 'setenv NNTPSERVER \'   >  $h/.osh.setenv.$$/NNTPSERVER
	cat /usr/pkg/etc/nntp/server >> $h/.osh.setenv.$$/NNTPSERVER
	source $h/.osh.setenv.$$/NNTPSERVER
	rm -r $h/.osh.setenv.$$
	: fallthrough
: continue - " Okay, continue as normal. "
	setenv	EXECSHELL	/usr/pkg/bin/sh6
	setenv	EDITOR		'/bin/ed -p:'
	setenv	VISUAL		/usr/bin/vi
	setenv	PAGER		'less -is'
	setenv	LESS		-M
	setenv	MAIL		/mail/$u
	setenv	MYTTY		$t
	setenv	TZ		UTC
	mesg n ; : " Disallow messages by default. "
	: " Print some useful login messages. "
	/usr/pkg/bin/dues -p
	: /usr/pkg/bin/vote -c <-
	/usr/pkg/bin/notes -c
	echo ; date '+%A, %Y-%m-%d, %T %Z' ; echo
	if -x /usr/pkg/games/fortune /usr/pkg/games/fortune -s
	: zero status