# Don't display the splash screen at the beginning of screen
startup_message off
# Always use _my_ shell in new windows, not screen's default
shell -$SHELL
# Ring the bell and say which window activity is in when monitoring
activity "^GActivity in window %n"
# Copy address from snownews to other window (hoping it's elinks)
# open a new tab, paste, and return to current window
# This is a personal hack to make it so that I can open all of the
# interesting links in snownews in tabs all at once.
# Doesn't work anymore, need to fix it some day.
# bind i eval copy "stuff L" "stuff k" "stuff 3w" "stuff ' '" "stuff \$" "stuff ' '" other "stuff t" "stuff g" "paste ." "stuff 
" other
# Another hack to try to get my netflix ratings
#bind i eval "stuff p" "sleep 3" copy "stuff H" "stuff 3j" "stuff \$" "stuff ' '"  "stuff ' '" "stuff 
" "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff " "stuff "
# Run a screensaver if there's nothing happening for a while.
#idle 420 eval "screen cmatrix -f -o -u 10" "idle 0"
# Just lock the screen when left alone for 10 minutes
# idle 600 lockscreen
# start mutt in a new window (now you have to use ^m to get previous message)
bind m screen -t 'mutt' mutt
# start vi in a new window (now you have to use ^p to get previous window)
bind p screen -t 'vi' vi
# start snownews in a new window (now you have to use ^r to get word wrap toggling)
bind r screen -t 'snownews' snownews #-u
# start elinks in a new window
bind e screen -t 'elinks' env TERM=xterm-color elinks
# start notepad in a new window (now you have to use ^n to get next window)
bind n screen -t 'notepad' notepad
# start bboard in a new window (now you have to use ^b to send a break to the current window)
bind b screen -t 'bboard' bboard
# Menu of open screens (now you have to use ^l to send a break to the current window)
bind l windowlist -b
# start chow in a new window
bind g screen -t 'chow' /arpa/gm/j/jbaber/bin/math
# start yosucker in a new window
bind y screen -t 'yosucker' perl /arpa/gm/j/jbaber/programming/perl/YoSucker-pr79/bin/YoSucker
# Old hacks that were a bad idea because I didn't know how screen worked     #
#screen -t alias@$HOST -h 0 1 /arpa/hm/j/jbaber/.screenstartup               #
#screen -t ksh@$HOST -ln -h 100 1                                            #